Cybsersafety Resources



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Protect Your Candy!

Cybersafety Lesson plan for teachers A Cybersafety Lesson Plan for Grades 1-4: All About Passwords This cybersafety lesson plan introduces students to key concepts through an engaging board game called...

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Typology of Online Harms

Online harms can often be tricky to identify, so we’ve created this tipsheet to help! It’s essential for students to understand what kind of threats are out there and how...

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Cybersafety Lesson Plans

Cybersafety Lesson Plans for your classroom Attention teachers! Check out our comprehensive collection of digital media literacy and cybersafety lesson plans created for K-12 educators, featuring a month’s supply of...

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EdTech Data Protection Tools

The EdTech Data Protection Checklist is not just a list—it’s your roadmap to the future of secure and engaging digital education. By implementing these controls, we’re creating an exciting and...

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