Cybersafety Lesson Plans for your classroom

Attention teachers! Check out our comprehensive collection of digital media literacy and cybersafety lesson plans created for K-12 educators, featuring a month’s supply of ready-to-use materials for effortless incorporation into your classroom schedule and curriculum. These captivating, engaging, and comprehensive lessons were designed to be completed within 45-minutes or less, ensuring seamless integration into your current classroom schedule.

Learn more ways to keep safe online!
Check out our available courses down below.

cybersafety lesson plan

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Cybersafety Lesson
Topics include:

  • Balancing time spent online
  • Internet safety basics
  • Online gaming
  • Online privacy
  • Cybersafety and device/account security
  • Staying positive online
  • Recognizing disinformation
  • Digital citizenship
  • Online crimes
  • And many more!

View and Download our Lesson Plans Here

Lesson Plans for Kindergarten and Grades 1-3

Lesson Plans for Grades 4-8

Lesson Plans for Grades 9-12

Don’t Miss our Accompanying Discussion Guides!

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platform for teachers

Cybersafety for your classroom

At KnowledgeFlow, we emphasize the significance of cybersafety education for both educators and students. Understanding and teaching essential cyber safety practices can protect both teachers and students from online risks. By fostering safe technology use in the classroom, students can learn to navigate the digital world securely. Learn how to create #UnHackable classrooms!