Curriculum Alignment for Teachers
We have streamlined the integration of our cyber safety materials into your curriculum with a comprehensive guide down below. This guide helps educators align our resources with provincial standards, making it easy to incorporate our content into lesson plans while meeting educational outcomes. By filtering by province, grade, and course, educators can find the exact resource or lesson plan needed to include cybersafety education.
Students can learn safe online interactions, privacy management, responsible digital tool use, and the impacts of emerging technologies. This approach enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills, promoting responsible online behavior through interactive, cross-curricular activities.
Learn more ways to keep safe online!
Check out our available courses down below.

Province | Grade | Course | Standard | Overall Expectations | Specific Expectations | Resources | Topic |
Ontario | 1 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours (e.g., listening with respect, being helpful, respecting boundaries) and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health (e.g., ignoring or excluding others; bullying; manipulative behaviours; sexually exploitative or abusive behaviours, including inappropriate touching; verbal, emotional, or physical abuse), and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Ontario | 1 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 1 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families | Demonstrate how to participate in different types of physical activities including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and games | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations (ie. hazards and potentially unsafe situations) | Demonstrate the ability to recognize hazards and potentially unsafe situations | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours in groups and families | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Mental Well-Being | Identify and describe feelings and worries (ie. emotions and their causes and effects) | Demonstrate the ability to understand emotions and their causes and effects | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner in both physical and digital environment • Develop their skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 1 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | Explore the use of simple, available tools and technologies to extend their capabilities | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | Understand that boundaries can change in various situations, including: type of activity, people involved, purpose, use of technology | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Understand that boundaries can change over time or in different situations | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | Demonstrate the ability to discuss situations or reasons that might lead to a boundary change. | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 2 | Students will demonstrate empathy for others | • Identify and discuss times when people need care and concern (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, CI) • Identify and demonstrate ways of showing respect and consideration to others (COM, CZ) • Use language that shows care and concern for another (PCD, COM, CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community. | • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 8 | Students will demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills during different types of physical activities | Understand how their choices affect others (CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 1 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 9 | Students will demonstrate consideration, care, and compassion for the well-being and safety of self and others during different types of physical activities in multiple environments. | • Demonstrate behaviours that help others (e.g., sharing, safety, kindness) (CZ, PCD) • Apply safe practices, rules, and procedures with limited prompting (CT, CZ) • Apply, when prompted, principles of teamwork, inclusion, fair play, and respect for self and others (e.g., take turns, work with others to solve problems, follow the rules of the activity) (CZ, PCD) • Identify safe and healthy practices at home, at school, and in the community (CZ, PCD) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 1 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1: Recognize emotional and social skills that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 1 | Science and Technology | GCO 4 | Attitudes – Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment | Safety – Students will be encouraged to demonstrate a concern for safety in science and technology contexts. Science education can contribute to attitudinal growth when students are encouraged to assess and manage potential dangers and apply safety procedures, thus developing a positive attitude toward safety. | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent. | Explain the importance of consent and demonstrate the ability to stand up for themselves and others, to enhance well-being and safety (e.g., speaking confidently; stating boundaries, whether in person or online; saying no; respecting the right of a person to say no and encouraging others to respect that right also; reporting exploitative behaviours, such as improper touching of their bodies or others’ bodies) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Ontario | 2 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 2 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families • Develop and demonstrate respectful behaviour when participating in activities with others | Demonstrate how to participate in different types of physical activities, including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and games | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe ways to prevent and respond to a variety of unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations (ie. hazards and potentially unsafe or abusive situations) • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations (ie. strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations, and managing and expressing emotions, What can you do to stand up for yourself in an unsafe and/or uncomfortable situation?) | Demonstrate strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Health and Physical Education | Mental Well-Being | Identify and apply strategies that promote mental well-being | Managing and expressing emotions | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner in both physical and digital environment | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | Develop their skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 2 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | Explore the use of simple, available tools and technologies to extend their capabilities | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Knowledge | n/a | Safety strategies are developed for a variety of contexts, such as • home • school • online • emergencies | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Alberta | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | Practise safety strategies and procedures in a variety of situations | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Alberta | 2 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Creativity is the ability to generate something original, such as ideas, technology, tools, products • Collaboration can result in improved ideas, which may enhance creativity and problem solving. | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 2 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Instructions are designed using creativity and problem solving, which can be enhanced through collaboration | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 2 | Science | Skills and Procedures | n/a | Identify ways creativity is used to design instructions | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Outcome 2 | Students will demonstrate empathy for others | • Identify and discuss times when people need care and concern (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, CI) • Identify and demonstrate ways of showing respect and consideration to others (COM, CZ) • Use language that shows care and concern for another (PCD, COM, CZ) • Demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of similarities and differences that are visible and not visible (PCD, CZ, COM) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Outcome 8 | Students will demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills during different types of physical activities | • Demonstrate the ability to co-operate in a group activity (COM, CZ, PCD) • Understand how their choices affect others (CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Physical and Health Education | Outcome 9 | Students will demonstrate consideration, care, and compassion for the well-being and safety of self and others during different types of physical activities in multiple environments | • Demonstrate behaviours that help others (e.g., sharing, safety, kindness) (CZ, PCD) • Apply safe practices, rules, and procedures with limited prompting (CT, CZ) • Apply, when prompted, principles of teamwork, inclusion, fair play, and respect for self and others (e.g., take turns, work with others to solve problems, follow the rules of the activity) (CZ, PCD) • Identify safe and healthy practices at home, at school, and in the community (CZ, PCD) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 1, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to work with the teacher to develop safe routines for using ICT responsibly, ensuring their own and others’ health and safety | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 2, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to demonstrate and show understanding of the responsible and appropriate use of information and communication technology while participating in and contributing to their local community | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 3, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to begin to articulate the need to take care in providing personal information online and only share limited personal information with a teacher-approved audience | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 3, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to begin to articulate the need to take care in providing personal information online and only share limited personal information with a teacher-approved audience | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 2 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 9, Technology Operations and Concepts | Students will be expected to: use grade-appropriate ICT terminology, follow verbal instructions and visual reminders to safely operate computers and digital devices | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 2 | Physical and Health Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Demonstrate emotional and social skills that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 2 | Science | GCO 4 | Attitudes – Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment | Safety – Students will be encouraged to demonstrate a concern for safety in science and technology contexts. Science education can contribute to attitudinal growth when students are encouraged to assess and manage potential dangers and apply safety procedures, thus developing a positive attitude toward safety | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 2 | Social Studies | 2.2.2 Technology and Community | Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding that technology has changed over time to meet their needs, wants, and interests | • Assess the effect of technology on their lives • Identify examples of positive and negative impact of technology | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity. | Healthy Living: demonstrate awareness of doing or saying things in a way that acknowledges the unique characteristics of others in a positive way rather than in a disrespectful or hurtful way) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Health and Physical Education | D1.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development | apply decision-making strategies to make healthy choices about behaviours and the use of various substances in ways that could lead to dependencies, identifying factors that should be considered (e.g., short-term use of medications can be helpful for an illness, but misuse of some medications could lead to dependency or harm; moderated television watching or computer use can provide healthy entertainment or new learning or be necessary to complete school work, but too much screen time can reinforce sedentary habits and inactivity, which can lead to social isolation and increased vulnerability to physical and mental health problems; cultural teachings can provide guidance when considering the impact of using substances) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Ontario | 3 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life, including skilled trades | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 3 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 3 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner in both physical and digital environment • Develop their skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 3 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | Explore the use of simple, available tools and technologies to extend their capabilities | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies K-3 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations (ie. nature and consequences of bullying and strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations) | • Demonstrate practices that promote health and well-being • Demonstrate strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations • Understand the nature and consequences of bullying | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | Describe ways to access information on and support services for a variety of health topics | Identify strategies for accessing health information | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Mental Well-Being | Describe factors that influence mental well-being and self-identity | Identify factors that influence self-identity | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | Proactive planning includes • Awareness of instructions and guidelines • Digital citizenship (responsible conduct and safety) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Safety involves prevention that requires proactive planning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | Examine situations that require proactive planning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | Creativity is an important part of computer science, technology, and engineering; e.g., computer programming, robotics | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Creativity involves imagination, observation, and making connections | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 3 | Science | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Relate creativity to engineering, computing, and the development of new technologies • Identify examples of creativity in computer science, technology, or engineering | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 1 | Students will recognize, discuss and identify decisions that affect physical, social, mental, and emotional health | Ability to make healthy decisions based upon the analysis of the media (PCD, COM, CT, CI, CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community. | Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community. | • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 8 | Students will demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills during different types of physical activities | • demonstrate the ability to co-operate and collaborate in a group activity (share ideas, listen to others, try completing a task using a different solution, solve problems as a group) (COM, CZ, PCD) • understand how their choices affect others (CZ) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 9 | Students will demonstrate consideration, care, and compassion for the well-being and safety of self and others during different types of physical activities in multiple environments | • Demonstrate behaviours that help others (e.g., sharing, play safely, kindness) (CZ, PCD) • independently apply safe practices, rules, and procedures (CT, CZ) • Consistently apply principles of teamwork, inclusion, fair play, and respect for self and others (e.g., work well with others, follow the rules of the activity) (CZ, PCD) • Demonstrate behaviours that help others (e.g., sharing, play safely, kindness) (CZ, PCD) independently apply safe practices, rules, and procedures (CT, CZ) • Consistently apply principles of teamwork, inclusion, fair play, and respect for self and others (e.g., work well with others, follow the rules of the activity) (CZ, PCD) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 1, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to work with the teacher to develop safe routines for using ICT responsibly, ensuring their own and others’ health and safety | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 2, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to demonstrate and show understanding of the responsible and appropriate use of information and communication technology while participating in and contributing to their local community | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 3, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to begin to articulate the need to take care in providing personal information online and only share limited personal information with a teacher-approved audience | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 3, Digital Citizenship | Students will be expected to begin to articulate the need to take care in providing personal information online and only share limited personal information with a teacher-approved audience | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 3 | Information and Communication Technology | Outcome 9, Technology Operations and Concepts | Students will be expected to: use grade-appropriate ICT terminology, follow verbal instructions and visual reminders to safely operate computers and digital devices | Embedded throughout all curriculum areas (1-3) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 3 | Personal Wellness | GCO 3 | Students will apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to establish and maintain healthy relationships | SCO 3.1 – Explain bullying and ways to prevent and intervene when it occurs | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 3 | Personal Wellness | GCO 4 | Students will develop knowledge of self and explore the world of work | SCO 4.2 – Recognize how skills, and interests can influence career choices | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 3 | Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Apply emotional and social skills to the learning and performance of physical activity | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 3 | Science | GCO 2 | Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, of the relationships between science and technology, and of the social and environmental contexts of science and technology (STSE) | SCO 2.1 – Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | • Active Living: Use encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups, and describe the impact of doing so • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | • Active Living: Think through and apply the steps they will take to avoid injury while participating in a physical activity • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development | Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills; consider alternative coping strategies for stressful situations; think in advance about values, cultural beliefs, and personal choices; identify the pros and cons of both making a change and not making a change; be aware of peer pressure, conversational strategies, such as saying no strongly and clearly, giving reasons, changing the topic, making a joke, asking a question | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #1 Don’t let anyone choose or know your: • Identity Details • Contact Info • Passwords • Location • Biometrics |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life, including skilled trades | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | • Active Living: Use encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups, and describe the impact of doing so • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, 3 |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | • Active Living: Use encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups, and describe the impact of doing so • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | • Active Living: Use encouraging words to support teammates when playing in small groups, and describe the impact of doing so • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | • Active Living: Think through and apply the steps they will take to avoid injury while participating in a physical activity • Healthy Living: Explain what they can do to avoid saying something in a text or on social media that they wouldn’t say face to face | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | Cyberday Lesson Plan | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of essential knowledge and practices for ensuring their personal safety | Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming (e.g., difficulty developing healthy interpersonal skills and relationships offline; spending too much time online and not enough with family and friends; exposure to online predators; experiencing social isolation | 10 Immutable Rules | #7: Never reply to mysterious messages! |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development | Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development | Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D1.3 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development | Describe various types of bullying, abuse, and other non-consensual behaviour (e.g., social, emotional, physical, verbal), including cyberbullying (e.g., via social media, apps, e-mail, text messaging, chat rooms, websites), and identify the impacts they can have and appropriate ways of responding | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills; consider alternative coping strategies for stressful situations; think in advance about values, cultural beliefs, and personal choices; identify the pros and cons of both making a change and not making a change; be aware of peer pressure, conversational strategies, such as saying no strongly and clearly, giving reasons, changing the topic, making a joke, asking a question | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills; consider alternative coping strategies for stressful situations; think in advance about values, cultural beliefs, and personal choices; identify the pros and cons of both making a change and not making a change; be aware of peer pressure, conversational strategies, such as saying no strongly and clearly, giving reasons, changing the topic, making a joke, asking a question | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills; consider alternative coping strategies for stressful situations; think in advance about values, cultural beliefs, and personal choices; identify the pros and cons of both making a change and not making a change; be aware of peer pressure, conversational strategies, such as saying no strongly and clearly, giving reasons, changing the topic, making a joke, asking a question | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 10 Immutable Rules | #8: Convenience is still the enemy of security |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life, including skilled trades | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life, including skilled trades | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A2.2 | Use coding in investigations and to model concepts, and assess the impact of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life | Identify and describe impacts of coding and of emerging technologies on everyday life, including skilled trades | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 4 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
British Columbia | 4 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 4 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #3: Don’t let anyone know you better than you know them |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
British Columbia | 4 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 4 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe and caring environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining positive relationships • Identify and describe avoidance or assertiveness strategies to use in unsafe and/or uncomfortable situations • Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying | • Media messaging and body image • Strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe or abusive situations, including identifying common lures or tricks used by potential abusers • Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence • Potential effects of psychoactive substance use, and strategies for preventing personal harm • Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Artifacts are objects or products made by humans, machines, or computers through the process of design • Design can deal with complex problems | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Bullying is repeated, deliberate, and targeted behaviour with intent to harm. • Bullying behaviour can be seen or experienced: verbally, socially, relationally, physically, digitally | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Individuals have the right to live in healthy, safe, and bully-free environments | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Recognize harmful bullying behaviours • Identify actions that can be taken when bullying occurs | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Artifacts are objects or products made by humans, machines, or computers through the process of design • Design can deal with complex problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Bullying is repeated, deliberate, and targeted behaviour with intent to harm. • Bullying behaviour can be seen or experienced: verbally, socially, relationally, physically, digitally | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Bullying is repeated, deliberate, and targeted behaviour with intent to harm. • Bullying behaviour can be seen or experienced: verbally, socially, relationally, physically, digitally | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | • Bullying is repeated, deliberate, and targeted behaviour with intent to harm. • Bullying behaviour can be seen or experienced: verbally, socially, relationally, physically, digitally | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Individuals have the right to live in healthy, safe, and bully-free environments | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Individuals have the right to live in healthy, safe, and bully-free environments | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 4 | Science | Understanding | n/a | Individuals have the right to live in healthy, safe, and bully-free environments | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Recognize harmful bullying behaviours • Identify actions that can be taken when bullying occurs | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Recognize harmful bullying behaviours • Identify actions that can be taken when bullying occurs | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Recognize harmful bullying behaviours • Identify actions that can be taken when bullying occurs | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A | Demonstrate positive self-identity that effectively enables them to manage their health, relationships, and interactions with the world | 1.3 – Demonstrate an awareness that values are an integral part in making healthy decisions and fostering healthy behaviour | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.2 – Analyze how marketing impacts health | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #2 : Don’t tolerate ads |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Information and Communication Technology | DC.2 | Students will be expected to follow best practices of active digital citizenship as they participate in and contribute to local, national, and global communities | DC2.2.4 – Students will be expected to follow, with teacher assistance, ethical and responsible online digital citizenship by • presenting information accurately • respecting personal privacy and safety • choosing appropriate language for the intended audience and purpose | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #2 : Don’t tolerate ads |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Cyberday Lesson Plan: Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 10 Immutable Rules | #3: When data-hoarding fiends go rogue, play secret agent |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A | Demonstrate positive self-identity that effectively enables them to manage their health, relationships, and interactions with the world | 1.3 – Demonstrate an awareness that values are an integral part in making healthy decisions and fostering healthy behaviour | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2 |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | A | Demonstrate positive self-identity that effectively enables them to manage their health, relationships, and interactions with the world | 1.3 – Demonstrate an awareness that values are an integral part in making healthy decisions and fostering healthy behaviour | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.2 – Analyze how marketing impacts health | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Information and Communication Technology | DC.2 | Students will be expected to follow best practices of active digital citizenship as they participate in and contribute to local, national, and global communities | DC2.2.4 – Students will be expected to follow, with teacher assistance, ethical and responsible online digital citizenship by • presenting information accurately • respecting personal privacy and safety • choosing appropriate language for the intended audience and purpose | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3, Week 3 Day 2 |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Information and Communication Technology | DC.2 | Students will be expected to follow best practices of active digital citizenship as they participate in and contribute to local, national, and global communities | DC2.2.4 – Students will be expected to follow, with teacher assistance, ethical and responsible online digital citizenship by • presenting information accurately • respecting personal privacy and safety • choosing appropriate language for the intended audience and purpose | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 4 | Information and Communication Technology | DC.2 | Students will be expected to follow best practices of active digital citizenship as they participate in and contribute to local, national, and global communities | DC2.2.4 – Students will be expected to follow, with teacher assistance, ethical and responsible online digital citizenship by • presenting information accurately • respecting personal privacy and safety • choosing appropriate language for the intended audience and purpose | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 4 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.6 – Safety strategies (buddy system; trusting your instinct, etc.); safe adults; respecting boundaries; potentially dangerous situations: outdoor activities, safe use of technology; concussion awareness | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 4 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Factors that affect motivation for participating in activity; persistence and effort; positive social interaction (communication, cooperation, respect); verbal and non-verbal cues for improving movement skills and patterns | 7 Cyber Savvy Skills | #7 : Don’t forget you have control |
New Brunswick | 4 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.6 – Safety strategies (buddy system; trusting your instinct, etc.); safe adults; respecting boundaries; potentially dangerous situations: outdoor activities, safe use of technology; concussion awareness | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 4 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Factors that affect motivation for participating in activity; persistence and effort; positive social interaction (communication, cooperation, respect); verbal and non-verbal cues for improving movement skills and patterns | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 1 |
New Brunswick | 4 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Factors that affect motivation for participating in activity; persistence and effort; positive social interaction (communication, cooperation, respect); verbal and non-verbal cues for improving movement skills and patterns | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 4 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Factors that affect motivation for participating in activity; persistence and effort; positive social interaction (communication, cooperation, respect); verbal and non-verbal cues for improving movement skills and patterns | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 5 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | Healthy Living: Show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours such as calling people names or excluding them; show respect for cultural and all other forms of diversity | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Ontario | 5 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | Healthy Living: Show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours such as calling people names or excluding them; show respect for cultural and all other forms of diversity | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 5 | Health and Physical Education | A1.4 | Apply skills that help them build relationships, develop empathy, and communicate with others as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support healthy relationships, a sense of belonging, and respect for diversity | Healthy Living: Show respect for others by giving classmates encouragement and praise and by avoiding behaviours such as calling people names or excluding them; show respect for cultural and all other forms of diversity | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 5 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to addiction (e.g., smoking, vaping, drug use, gambling, video game use) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
Ontario | 5 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to addiction (e.g., smoking, vaping, drug use, gambling, video game use) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Ontario | 5 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 5 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 5 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Use materials, tools, and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of others, in both physical and digital environments | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Internet safety • Digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 3 |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Internet safety • Digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Internet safety • Digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 3 |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 5 | Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing a task • Choose appropriate technologies to use for specific tasks • Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed | Students are expected to use the learning standards for Curricular Competencies from Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 4-5 in combination with grade-level content from other areas of learning in cross-curricular activities to develop foundational mindsets and skills in design thinking and making. | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2, Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Activity Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | Ability to identify marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Activity Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | Ability to identify marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
Alberta | 5 | Science and Technology | Knowledge | n/a | Understand that a computational artifact is anything created by a human using a computer, such as computer programs, code, images, audio, video, presentations, web pages | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Responsibility includes clearly requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent • Digital citizenship (responsible conduct and safety) • Responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another • Decisions related to substance use can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as media, peer influence, marketing | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 3 Day 5 |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Responsibility includes clearly requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent • Digital citizenship (responsible conduct and safety) • Responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another • Decisions related to substance use can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as media, peer influence, marketing | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Responsibility includes clearly requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent • Digital citizenship (responsible conduct and safety) • Responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another • Decisions related to substance use can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as media, peer influence, marketing | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Responsibility includes clearly requesting, obtaining, giving, or refusing consent • Digital citizenship (responsible conduct and safety) • Responsibility includes respecting the acceptance or refusal of consent from another • Decisions related to substance use can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as media, peer influence, marketing | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Personal actions and decisions can affect physical, social-emotional, and financial well-being | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Personal actions and decisions can affect physical, social-emotional, and financial well-being | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Reflect on how the results or consequences of personal actions and decisions can affect the well-being of self and others • Examine the impacts of a variety of factors on personal actions and decisions | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Reflect on how the results or consequences of personal actions and decisions can affect the well-being of self and others • Examine the impacts of a variety of factors on personal actions and decisions | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 10 Immutable Rules | #3: When data-hoarding fiends go rogue, play secret agent |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 5 |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Appreciation of Science | n/a | 410 – Realize that the applications of science and technology can have both intended and unintended effects | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Stewardship | n/a | 419 – Be sensitive to and develop a sense of responsibility for the welfare of other people, other living things, and the environment • choose to have a positive effect on other people and the world around them • frequently and thoughtfully review the effects and consequences of their actions | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Stewardship | n/a | 419 – Be sensitive to and develop a sense of responsibility for the welfare of other people, other living things, and the environment • choose to have a positive effect on other people and the world around them • frequently and thoughtfully review the effects and consequences of their actions | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Nova Scotia | 5 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | 10 Immutable Rules | #7: Never reply to mysterious messages! |
New Brunswick | 5 | Health and Physical Education | GCO 3 | Students will develop knowledge, skills and values required to achieve and maintain well-being | SCO 3.1 – Factors that affect motivation for participating in activity; persistence and effort; positive social interaction (communication, cooperation, respect); verbal and non-verbal cues for improving movement skills and patterns | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.5 – Understand the implications of peer pressure; social media; cultural norms; traditions; addictions; use and misuse of substances | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 1 |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.5 – Understand the implications of peer pressure; social media; cultural norms; traditions; addictions; use and misuse of substances | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.5 – Understand the implications of peer pressure; social media; cultural norms; traditions; addictions; use and misuse of substances | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.6 – Safety strategies (buddy system; trusting your instinct, etc.); safe adults; respecting boundaries; potentially dangerous situations: outdoor activities, safe use of technology; concussion awareness | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 1 |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.6 – Safety strategies (buddy system; trusting your instinct, etc.); safe adults; respecting boundaries; potentially dangerous situations: outdoor activities, safe use of technology; concussion awareness | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 5 | Personal Wellness | GCO 1 | Students will make responsible and informed choices to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle | SCO 1.6 – Safety strategies (buddy system; trusting your instinct, etc.); safe adults; respecting boundaries; potentially dangerous situations: outdoor activities, safe use of technology; concussion awareness | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 5 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.1 – Students will investigate and solve technological problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
New Brunswick | 5 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.1 – Students will investigate and solve technological problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
New Brunswick | 5 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.3 – Students will work in teams to solve problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 5 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.4 – Students will investigate and demonstrate the relationship between technology and society | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 5 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 – Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 6 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to addiction (e.g., smoking, vaping, drug use, gambling, video game use) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
Ontario | 6 | Health and Physical Education | D2.3 | Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and behaviours that can be harmful to physical and mental health, and describe the feelings associated with each, as well as appropriate ways of responding, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of consent | Demonstrate the ability to apply decision-making, assertiveness, and refusal skills to deal with pressures pertaining to alcohol use or other behaviours that could later lead to addiction (e.g., smoking, vaping, drug use, gambling, video game use) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Ontario | 6 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 6 | Science and Technology | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 6 | Science and Technology | A3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences | Ability to investigate how science and technology can be used with other subject areas to address real-world problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
British Columbia | 6 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Technologies | Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task | • Computer system architecture, including hardware and software, network infrastructure (local), intranet/Internet, and personal communication devices • Strategies for identifying and troubleshooting simple hardware and software problems | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Demonstrate understanding of internet safety | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Demonstrate understanding of internet safety | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology us | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology us | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology us | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2, Week 3 Day 3, 5 |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | Demonstrate strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | Understand marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | Understand marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
Alberta | 6 | Science | Knowledge | n/a | •. Understand that the use of computers, coding, and technology can have impacts that are: personal, social, environmental, economic • Impacts of computers, coding, or technology may be intentional or unintentional | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 6 | Science | Skills and Procedures | n/a | Predict possible impacts of computers, coding, or technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5, Week 3 Day 2 |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | Being Pseudonymous Online – Or Why You Should Lie Online! | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Knowledge | n/a | • Digital privacy is important to protect personal information. • Individuals can seek assistance when experiencing unwanted attention, communication, or images. • Safety risks associated with use of digital technology include • intrusion of privacy, bullying, misinformation, inability to properly request, obtain, or give consent, exploitation • The Internet and social media can expose an individual to unwanted communication or images and information. • Sharing explicit or graphic images can have significant consequences, including being illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Safe online, digital technology, and social media practices can reduce risk | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Safe online, digital technology, and social media practices can reduce risk | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Understanding | n/a | Safe online, digital technology, and social media practices can reduce risk | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Assess safety and vulnerability risks associated with use of digital technology. • Identify potential harms from online and social media use. • Explain how to deal with unwanted attention, communication, or images | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Assess safety and vulnerability risks associated with use of digital technology. • Identify potential harms from online and social media use. • Explain how to deal with unwanted attention, communication, or images | 10 Immutable Rules | #7: Never reply to mysterious messages! |
Alberta | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Skills and Procedures | n/a | • Assess safety and vulnerability risks associated with use of digital technology. • Identify potential harms from online and social media use. • Explain how to deal with unwanted attention, communication, or images | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | Outcome 3 | Students will demonstrate ways to be safe at school and in the community | • Identify and discuss a variety of ways to play safe in school and community (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and discuss what is personal information (PCD, COM, CT, CZ) • Identify and describe various scenarios in which it would be safe to share personal information and scenarios in which it would not be safe (PCD, COM, CT, CZ, TF) | 10 Immutable Rules | #3: When data-hoarding fiends go rogue, play secret agent |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 5 |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Health and Physical Education | B | Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself, and within a global context | 3.1 – Healthy Community: Assess sources of information via the Internet for safety and reliability, and practise ways to enhance safe use of the Internet | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Stewardship | n/a | 419 – Be sensitive to and develop a sense of responsibility for the welfare of other people, other living things, and the environment • choose to have a positive effect on other people and the world around them • frequently and thoughtfully review the effects and consequences of their actions | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Stewardship | n/a | 419 – Be sensitive to and develop a sense of responsibility for the welfare of other people, other living things, and the environment • choose to have a positive effect on other people and the world around them • frequently and thoughtfully review the effects and consequences of their actions | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Nova Scotia | 6 | Science | Safety | n/a | 421 – Be aware of potential dangers | 10 Immutable Rules | #7: Never reply to mysterious messages! |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.1 – Students will investigate and solve technological problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.3 – Students will work in teams to solve problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.4 – Students will investigate and demonstrate the relationship between technology and society | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 -Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology • Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 -Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology • Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 -Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology • Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.5 – Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint” | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
New Brunswick | 6 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.5 – Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint” | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Charting your Course | 1.1 – Explorer Level: Intro to the Game of Cybersafety |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Charting your Course | 5.1 – Sage Level: Crossing the Bridge from Security to Privacy |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 7 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 7 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Technologies | Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task | • Demonstrate understanding of computer system architecture, including hardware and software, network infrastructure (local), intranet/Internet, and personal communication devices • Demonstrate strategies for identifying and troubleshooting simple hardware and software problems | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Demonstrate understanding of internet safety | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Demonstrate understanding of internet safety | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations | Identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations | Identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations | Identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations | Identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 7 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task | • Demonstrate understanding of computer system architecture, including hardware and software, network infrastructure (local), intranet/Internet, and personal communication devices • Demonstrate strategies for identifying and troubleshooting simple hardware and software problems | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection | |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Demonstrate understanding of internet safety | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Applied Technologies | Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication • Understand legal and ethical considerations, including creative credit and copyright, and cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations | Identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 4 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 4 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 7 | Physical Education | C7-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Ability to identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 7 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Knowing | • Understand the principles and concepts that support active living • Understand the importance of safety rules and procedures | • Demonstrate ability to make informed choices • Demonstrate understanding of rules, routines, and safety in a variety of activities • Identify critical cues for skill analysis for improvement of self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 1 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Knowing | • Understand the principles and concepts that support active living • Understand the importance of safety rules and procedures | • Demonstrate ability to make informed choices • Demonstrate understanding of rules, routines, and safety in a variety of activities • Identify critical cues for skill analysis for improvement of self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #8: Convenience is still the enemy of security |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | • Demonstrate participation and self-motivation skills • Demonstrate fair play and respect • Demonstrate social interaction skills | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | • Demonstrate participation and self-motivation skills • Demonstrate fair play and respect • Demonstrate social interaction skills | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 7 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 7 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 7 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.1 – Students will investigate and solve technological problem | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.3 – Students will work in teams to solve problem | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.4 – Students will investigate and demonstrate the relationship between technology and society | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 -Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will exemplify understanding of digital security and legal issues | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 4 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will exemplify understanding of digital security and legal issues | 10 Immutable Rules | #3: When data-hoarding fiends go rogue, play secret agent |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 3 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.3.2 | Students will develop skills for responding to conflict, bullying, and violence | Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., confront problems, listen, be respectful, be assertive, negotiate, be in the present, be non-aggressive, be understanding, apologize when necessary, build a support network) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 1 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.3.2 | Students will develop skills for responding to conflict, bullying, and violence | Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., confront problems, listen, be respectful, be assertive, negotiate, be in the present, be non-aggressive, be understanding, apologize when necessary, build a support network) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.4.3 | Students will discuss how media present messages about sexuality and relationships that can influence body image and self-worth | • Ability to recognize advertising methods (e.g., diet culture vs healthy eating, testimonial, repetition, promotions, facts and statistics, targeted ads, etc.) • Be a critic of social media messages | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.4.3 | Students will discuss how media present messages about sexuality and relationships that can influence body image and self-worth | • Ability to recognize advertising methods (e.g., diet culture vs healthy eating, testimonial, repetition, promotions, facts and statistics, targeted ads, etc.) • Be a critic of social media messages | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Knowing | • Understand the principles and concepts that support active living • Understand the importance of safety rules and procedures | • Demonstrate ability to make informed choices • Demonstrate understanding of rules, routines, and safety in a variety of activities • Identify critical cues for skill analysis for improvement of self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 7 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | • Demonstrate participation and self-motivation skills • Demonstrate fair play and respect • Demonstrate social interaction skills | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 7 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.1 – Students will investigate and solve technological problem | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 2 | Students will practice critical thinking and problem solving skills | SCO 2.4 – Students will investigate and demonstrate the relationship between technology and society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3 | Students will practice responsible citizenship | SCO 3.1 -Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will exemplify understanding of digital security and legal issues | Charting your Course | 5.2 – Sage Level: Your Map and Compass |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 5.2 – Sage Level: Your Map and Compass |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 6.1 – Covert Ops Level: Disarming Scams |
New Brunswick | 7 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will demonstrate understanding of topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.3.2 | Students will develop skills for responding to conflict, bullying, and violence | Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., confront problems, listen, be respectful, be assertive, negotiate, be in the present, be non-aggressive, be understanding, apologize when necessary, build a support network) | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.3.2 | Students will develop skills for responding to conflict, bullying, and violence | Demonstrate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., confront problems, listen, be respectful, be assertive, negotiate, be in the present, be non-aggressive, be understanding, apologize when necessary, build a support network) | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.4.3 | Students will discuss how media present messages about sexuality and relationships that can influence body image and self-worth | • Ability to recognize advertising methods (e.g., diet culture vs healthy eating, testimonial, repetition, promotions, facts and statistics, targeted ads, etc.) • Be a critic of social media messages | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
New Brunswick | 7 | Wellness | SCO 7.4.3 | Students will discuss how media present messages about sexuality and relationships that can influence body image and self-worth | • Ability to recognize advertising methods (e.g., diet culture vs healthy eating, testimonial, repetition, promotions, facts and statistics, targeted ads, etc.) • Be a critic of social media messages | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | 10 Immutable Rules | #3: When data-hoarding fiends go rogue, play secret agent |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | 10 Immutable Rules | #7: Never reply to mysterious messages! |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested. |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 3 |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | The C.R.I.S.P. Scan: Techniques To Identify Disinformation | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.3 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Gather, evaluate, and use information, considering various perspectives, to construct knowledge and demonstrate learning | 10 Immutable Rules | #6: Before you trust, investigate that link |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 8 | Health and Physical Education | A1.6 | Apply skills that help them think critically and creatively as they participate in learning experiences in health and physical education, in order to support making connections, analyzing, evaluating, problem solving, and decision making | Healthy Living – Ability to analyse potentially dangerous situations and devise solutions for making them safer | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.1 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to explain their rights and responsibilities when interacting online with appropriate permission, and make decisions that contribute positively to the development of their digital identity and those of their communities | Charting your Course | 1.1 – Explorer Level: intro to the Game of Cybersafety |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Charting your Course | 5.1 – Sage Level: Crossing the bridge from Security to Privacy |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.2 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 8 | Language | A2.7 | Demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media | Ability to communicate and collaborate with various communities in a safe, respectful, responsible, and inclusive manner when using online platforms and environments, including digital and media tools, and demonstrate cultural awareness with members of the community | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 8 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments • Identify and evaluate the skills and skill levels needed, individually or as a group, in relation to a specific task, and develop them as needed | Understand the design and function of digital infrastructures, from personal communication systems to wide area networks and the Internet of Things | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 1 |
British Columbia | 8 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task • Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of the elements of digital citizenship • Demonstrate understanding of ethical and legal implications of current and future technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 5 |
British Columbia | 8 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task • Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of the elements of digital citizenship • Demonstrate understanding of ethical and legal implications of current and future technologies | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | • Ability to identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms • Recognize media and social influences related to psychoactive substance use and potentially addictive behaviours • Understand the consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 2 |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | • Ability to identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms • Recognize media and social influences related to psychoactive substance use and potentially addictive behaviours • Understand the consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | • Recognize marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 3 Day 3,5 |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | • Recognize marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | • Recognize marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | 10 Immutable Rules | #1: In the digital world, practice zero tolerance for ads |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | • Recognize marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 8 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Skills | • Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments • Identify and evaluate the skills and skill levels needed, individually or as a group, in relation to a specific task, and develop them as needed | Understand the design and function of digital infrastructures, from personal communication systems to wide area networks and the Internet of Things | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
British Columbia | 8 | Applied Designs, Skills and Technologies | Applied Technologies | • Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task • Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use | • Demonstrate understanding of the elements of digital citizenship • Demonstrate understanding of ethical and legal implications of current and future technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | • Ability to identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms • Recognize media and social influences related to psychoactive substance use and potentially addictive behaviours • Understand the consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations • Describe and apply strategies that promote a safe (and caring) environment • Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships | • Ability to identify strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings factors influencing use of psychoactive substances, and potential harms • Recognize media and social influences related to psychoactive substance use and potentially addictive behaviours • Understand the consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
British Columbia | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Healthy and Active Living | • Describe the impacts of personal choices on health and well-being • Describe and assess strategies for promoting mental well-being, for self and others | • Recognize marketing and advertising tactics aimed at children and youth, including those involving food and supplements | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Recommend practices that contribute to teamwork | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 4 Day 3 |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Recommend practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 4 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 2 Day 4 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Recommend practices that contribute to teamwork | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Alberta | 8 | Health and Physical Education | C8-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 8 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Knowing | • Ability to understand the principles and concepts that support active living • Ability to understand the importance of safety rules and procedures | • Ability to make informed choices • Ability to identify critical cues for skill analysis for improvement of self and others | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Ability to develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | Ability to demonstrate: • Participation and self motivation • Fair play and respect • Social interaction skills | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Ability to develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | Ability to demonstrate: • Participation and self motivation • Fair play and respect • Social interaction skills | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | • Use science and technological knowledge when considering issues of concern to me • Reflect on various aspects of an issue to make decisions about possible actions • Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 8 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | • Use science and technological knowledge when considering issues of concern to me • Reflect on various aspects of an issue to make decisions about possible actions • Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 8 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | • Use science and technological knowledge when considering issues of concern to me • Reflect on various aspects of an issue to make decisions about possible actions • Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 2.1 | Students will investigate and solve technological problems | Student’s will learn and develop skills such as: • Troubleshooting • Critical Thinking | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 2.3 | Students will work in teams to solve problem | Students will demonstrate: • Collaboration • Communication • Work Sharing | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 2.4 | Students will investigate and demonstrate the relationship between technology and society | Students will understand aspects of technology such as: • Ethics • Innovation | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.1 | Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Access • Digital Etiquette • Communication | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.1 | Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Access • Digital Etiquette • Communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Security • Legal Issues | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Security • Legal Issues | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 3 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Fluency • Use social media appropriately (i.e., STEP method: stop, think, empathize, post) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Fluency • Use social media appropriately (i.e., STEP method: stop, think, empathize, post) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Health and Wellbeing • Appropriate behaviour on social media (e.g., pressure from peers, laws about sharing sexually explicit images, coercion, pornography, exploitation) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Cyberday Lesson Plan: Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 2, Week 4 Day 5 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Health and Wellbeing • Appropriate behaviour on social media (e.g., pressure from peers, laws about sharing sexually explicit images, coercion, pornography, exploitation) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Knowing | • Ability to understand the principles and concepts that support active living • Ability to understand the importance of safety rules and procedures | • Ability to make informed choices • Ability to identify critical cues for skill analysis for improvement of self and others | Charting your Course | By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate digital etiquette and practice safe behaviours online |
New Brunswick | 8 | Health and Physical Education | Valuing | Ability to develop positive personal and social behaviours and interpersonal relationships | Ability to demonstrate: • Participation and self motivation • Fair play and respect • Social interaction skills | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | • Use science and technological knowledge when considering issues of concern to me • Reflect on various aspects of an issue to make decisions about possible actions • Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Science | SCO 2.1 | Students will consider factors that support responsible application of scientific and technological knowledge and demonstrate an understanding of sustainable practices | • Use science and technological knowledge when considering issues of concern to me • Reflect on various aspects of an issue to make decisions about possible actions • Explore science- and technology-based careers in Canada based on my interests | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 2.1 | Students will investigate and solve technological problems | Student’s will learn and develop skills such as: • Troubleshooting • Critical Thinking | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 2.3 | Students will work in teams to solve problem | Students will demonstrate: • Collaboration • Communication • Work Sharing | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.1 | Students will demonstrate an awareness of human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Access • Digital Etiquette • Communication | Charting your Course | By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate digital etiquette and practice safe behaviours online |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.2 | Students will practice safe, legal, and ethical use of technology | Students will learn about topics such as: • Digital Security • Legal Issues | Charting your Course | 5.2 – Sage Level: Your Map and Compass |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 5.2 – Sage Level: Your Map and Compass |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 6.1 – Covert Ops Level: Disarming Scams |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 8 | Technology | GCO 3.5 | Students will understand the concept of, and demonstrate appropriate decision making with regards to, “Digital Footprint | Students will learn about topics such as: • Privacy • Social Responsibility • Legal Issues • Security • Cyber bullying • Internet Safety • Phishing • Malware | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Fluency • Use social media appropriately (i.e., STEP method: stop, think, empathize, post) | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
New Brunswick | 8 | Wellness | SCO 8.1.3 | Students will evaluate how media and technology influence the health and well-being of self and community | Health and Wellbeing • Appropriate behaviour on social media (e.g., pressure from peers, laws about sharing sexually explicit images, coercion, pornography, exploitation) | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | Ability to describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | Ability to describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | C2.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions | Ability to describe social and ethical issues relating to the use of communications technology (e.g., promotion of hatred, irresponsible use of the Internet, cyberbullying, cultural appropriation). | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 4 |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | C2.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions | Ability to describe social and ethical issues relating to the use of communications technology (e.g., promotion of hatred, irresponsible use of the Internet, cyberbullying, cultural appropriation). | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | C2.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions | Ability to describe social and ethical issues relating to the use of communications technology (e.g., promotion of hatred, irresponsible use of the Internet, cyberbullying, cultural appropriation). | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 4 |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | Ability to describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | Ability to describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | C2.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions | Ability to describe social and ethical issues relating to the use of communications technology (e.g., promotion of hatred, irresponsible use of the Internet, cyberbullying, cultural appropriation). | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | C2.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions | Ability to describe social and ethical issues relating to the use of communications technology (e.g., promotion of hatred, irresponsible use of the Internet, cyberbullying, cultural appropriation). | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 9 | Exploring Technologies | D1.2 | Follow appropriate health and safety procedures when assembling, using, and maintaining computer systems | Ability to identify issues related to Internet safety and personal identity security (e.g., protection of information stored on computers or transmitted over a network, identity theft, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, privacy policies) | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
British Columbia | 9 | Information and Communications Technologies | Applied Technologies | Choose, adapt, and if necessary learn about appropriate tools and technologies to use for tasks | Demonstrate understandingof design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5, Week 2 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 9 | Information and Communications Technologies | Applied Technologies | Choose, adapt, and if necessary learn about appropriate tools and technologies to use for tasks | Demonstrate understandingof design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 9 | Information and Communications Technologies | Applied Technologies | Choose, adapt, and if necessary learn about appropriate tools and technologies to use for tasks | Demonstrate understandingof design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 9 | Information and Communications Technologies | Applied Technologies | Choose, adapt, and if necessary learn about appropriate tools and technologies to use for tasks | Demonstrate understandingof design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
British Columbia | 9 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C9-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C9-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Alberta | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C9-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C9-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Alberta | 9 | Health and Physical Education | C9-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 9 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | A2.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of important social, cultural, economic, environmental, and ethical issues, as well as contributions and innovations involving diverse local and global communities, related to digital technology | Ability to investigate how to identify and address bias involving digital technology | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 3 |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | A2.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of important social, cultural, economic, environmental, and ethical issues, as well as contributions and innovations involving diverse local and global communities, related to digital technology | Ability to investigate how to identify and address bias involving digital technology | Understanding Human Biases And Their Role In Misinformation And Social Media | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | A2.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of important social, cultural, economic, environmental, and ethical issues, as well as contributions and innovations involving diverse local and global communities, related to digital technology | Ability to investigate how to identify and address bias involving digital technology | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 2 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of real-world applications of digital technology and programming, including within various industries and careers | Ability to investigate how digital technology and programming skills can be used within a variety of disciplines in real-world applications | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.1 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to describe different types of malware (e.g., viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, adware, malevolent macros ) and common signs of an intrusion, and explain how to prevent malware attacks | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 4 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.1 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to describe different types of malware (e.g., viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, adware, malevolent macros ) and common signs of an intrusion, and explain how to prevent malware attacks | 10 Immutable Rules | #4: When creating passwords longer = stronger |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.2 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to explain the importance of maintaining soft – ware updates (e.g., operating system updates, application software updates, virus definitions ) to increase computer security and maintain hard – ware and software compatibility | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 4 |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective data practices when using digital technology in various contexts | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 2 |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective data practices when using digital technology in various contexts | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective data practices when using digital technology in various contexts | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective security practices, including practices to protect their privacy, when using digital technology in various contexts | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 1 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective security practices, including practices to protect their privacy, when using digital technology in various contexts | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective security practices, including practices to protect their privacy, when using digital technology in various contexts | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.1 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate current innovations, including automation and artificial intelligence systems, and assess the impacts of these technologies on everyday life | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 1 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.1 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate current innovations, including automation and artificial intelligence systems, and assess the impacts of these technologies on everyday life | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.2 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate hardware and methods used to establish networks and connectivity, and assess the benefits and limitations of increased connectivity with reference to everyday life | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 1,3 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.2 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate hardware and methods used to establish networks and connectivity, and assess the benefits and limitations of increased connectivity with reference to everyday life | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C3.2 | Describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices | Ability to describe safeguards (e.g., effective passwords, secure websites, firewalls, biometric data) for preventing the unethical use of computers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 1 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C3.2 | Describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices | Ability to describe safeguards (e.g., effective passwords, secure websites, firewalls, biometric data) for preventing the unethical use of computers | 10 Immutable Rules | #4: When creating passwords longer = stronger |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C3.2 | Describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices | Ability to describe safeguards (e.g., effective passwords, secure websites, firewalls, biometric data) for preventing the unethical use of computers | 10 Immutable Rules | #5: Weird password restrictions? Be suspicious |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | • Research and describe trends in careers that require computer skills, using local and national sources (e.g., local newspaper, national newspaper, career websites) • Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1, 2 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | • Research and describe trends in careers that require computer skills, using local and national sources (e.g., local newspaper, national newspaper, career websites) • Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | • Research and describe trends in careers that require computer skills, using local and national sources (e.g., local newspaper, national newspaper, career websites) • Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | • Research and describe trends in careers that require computer skills, using local and national sources (e.g., local newspaper, national newspaper, career websites) • Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Ontario | 10 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | A2.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of important social, cultural, economic, environmental, and ethical issues, as well as contributions and innovations involving diverse local and global communities, related to digital technology | Ability to investigate how to identify and address bias involving digital technology | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of various ways to use hardware, software, and file management, and of research practices to support their own use of digital technology | Use file management techniques, including those related to local and cloud storage, to organize, edit, and share files | Charting your Course | 4.2 – Architect Level: File Sharing |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of various ways to use hardware, software, and file management, and of research practices to support their own use of digital technology | Use file management techniques, including those related to local and cloud storage, to organize, edit, and share files | Charting your Course | 4.3 – Architect Level: Protecting your Files |
Ontario | 10 | Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World | B3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective data practices when using digital technology in various contexts | Charting your Course | 4.1 – Architect Level: Data Protection |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A3.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of real-world applications of digital technology and programming, including within various industries and careers | Ability to investigate how digital technology and programming skills can be used within a variety of disciplines in real-world applications | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.1 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to describe different types of malware (e.g., viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, adware, malevolent macros ) and common signs of an intrusion, and explain how to prevent malware attacks | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.2 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to explain the importance of maintaining soft – ware updates (e.g., operating system updates, application software updates, virus definitions ) to increase computer security and maintain hard – ware and software compatibility | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.2 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Ability to explain the importance of maintaining soft – ware updates (e.g., operating system updates, application software updates, virus definitions ) to increase computer security and maintain hard – ware and software compatibility | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | A5.3 | Explain the importance of software updates and system maintenance to manage the performance and increase the security of a computer | Explain the importance of preventive maintenance (e.g., defragmenting a hard drive, deleting unused software and data files ) to manage computer performance | Charting your Course | 4.4 – Architect Level: Data Destruction and Disposal |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B3.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of safe and effective practices related to data and cybersecurity in various contexts | Ability to apply safe and effective security practices, including practices to protect their privacy, when using digital technology in various contexts | Charting your Course | 5.2 – Sage Level: Your Map and Compass |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.1 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate current innovations, including automation and artificial intelligence systems, and assess the impacts of these technologies on everyday life | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | B4.2 | Investigate current and emerging innovations in digital technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, and assess their benefits and limitations | Ability to investigate hardware and methods used to establish networks and connectivity, and assess the benefits and limitations of increased connectivity with reference to everyday life | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C3.2 | Describe legal and ethical issues related to the use of computing devices | Ability to describe safeguards (e.g., effective passwords, secure websites, firewalls, biometric data) for preventing the unethical use of computers | Charting your Course | 3.1 – Sentinel Level: Passwords |
Ontario | 10 | Introduction to Computer Science | C4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | • Research and describe trends in careers that require computer skills, using local and national sources (e.g., local newspaper, national newspaper, career websites) • Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 10 | Computer Studies | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Students will learn about topics such as: • computer security risks • impacts of computers and technology on society • digital literacy and digital citizenship • impacts of technology use on personal health and wellness | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5, Week 2 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 10 | Computer Studies | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Students will learn about topics such as: • computer security risks • impacts of computers and technology on society • digital literacy and digital citizenship • impacts of technology use on personal health and wellness | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
British Columbia | 10 | Health and Physical Education | Social and Community Health | • Propose strategies for avoiding and responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitative situations • Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying • Develop skills for maintaining healthy relationships and responding to interpersonal conflict | • Identify and understand potential short- and long-term consequences of health decisions, including those involving physical activity, healthy eating, sleep routines, and technology • Identify and understand strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings • Identify and understand consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
British Columbia | 10 | Computer Studies | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Students will learn about topics such as: • computer security risks • impacts of computers and technology on society • digital literacy and digital citizenship • impacts of technology use on personal health and wellness | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
British Columbia | 10 | Computer Studies | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Students will learn about topics such as: • computer security risks • impacts of computers and technology on society • digital literacy and digital citizenship • impacts of technology use on personal health and wellness | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
British Columbia | 10 | Computer Studies | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Students will learn about topics such as: • computer security risks • impacts of computers and technology on society • digital literacy and digital citizenship • impacts of technology use on personal health and wellness | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 10 | Health and Physical Education | C10-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 10 | Health and Physical Education | C10-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Alberta | 10 | Health and Physical Education | C10-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 10 | Health and Physical Education | C10-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Alberta | 10 | Health and Physical Education | C10-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 10 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy developmen | Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and risks of using electronic communication technologies (e.g., easy access to useful information and entertainment but also to harmful or undesirable information and entertainment, such as pornography; enhanced ability to stay in touch with friends but also increased possibility of exposure to sexual predators, bullying, and sexting; ability to communicate one’s thoughts and creative efforts to the rest of the world but also increased potential for loss of privacy), and describe strategies that they can apply to ensure their safety while using these technologies [IS, CT] | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy developmen | Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and risks of using electronic communication technologies (e.g., easy access to useful information and entertainment but also to harmful or undesirable information and entertainment, such as pornography; enhanced ability to stay in touch with friends but also increased possibility of exposure to sexual predators, bullying, and sexting; ability to communicate one’s thoughts and creative efforts to the rest of the world but also increased potential for loss of privacy), and describe strategies that they can apply to ensure their safety while using these technologies [IS, CT] | Sextortion Scam Awareness: What Teens Need To Know | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy developmen | Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and risks of using electronic communication technologies (e.g., easy access to useful information and entertainment but also to harmful or undesirable information and entertainment, such as pornography; enhanced ability to stay in touch with friends but also increased possibility of exposure to sexual predators, bullying, and sexting; ability to communicate one’s thoughts and creative efforts to the rest of the world but also increased potential for loss of privacy), and describe strategies that they can apply to ensure their safety while using these technologies [IS, CT] | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1,2 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1,2 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | C1.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of different types of computer components | Compare and contrast common ISP services (e.g., DSL, cable, dial-up, regional Wi-Fi) and home networking hardware (e.g., NICs, routers, hardware used for wired and wireless connections) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 2, 3 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D2.3 | Describe and apply procedures for safe computing to safeguard computer users and their data | Describe procedures to safeguard data and programs from malware (e.g., viruses, spyware, adware | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 4 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D2.3 | Describe and apply procedures for safe computing to safeguard computer users and their data | Describe procedures to safeguard data and programs from malware (e.g., viruses, spyware, adware | 10 Immutable Rules | #4: When creating passwords longer = stronger |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D2.3 | Describe and apply procedures for safe computing to safeguard computer users and their data | Describe procedures to safeguard data and programs from malware (e.g., viruses, spyware, adware | 10 Immutable Rules | #5: Weird password restrictions? Be suspicious |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.1 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Explain how emerging technologies can affect personal rights and privacy (e.g. video surveillance, cyberbullying, identity theft) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 4 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.1 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Explain how emerging technologies can affect personal rights and privacy (e.g. video surveillance, cyberbullying, identity theft) | Pink Shirt Day – Anti-Online Bullying Awareness | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.1 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Explain how emerging technologies can affect personal rights and privacy (e.g. video surveillance, cyberbullying, identity theft) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.2 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Describe some emerging technologies and their implications for, and potential uses by, various members of society | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1,2 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Describe the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1,2 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Describe the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Describe the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Describe the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C1.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy developmen | Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits and risks of using electronic communication technologies (e.g., easy access to useful information and entertainment but also to harmful or undesirable information and entertainment, such as pornography; enhanced ability to stay in touch with friends but also increased possibility of exposure to sexual predators, bullying, and sexting; ability to communicate one’s thoughts and creative efforts to the rest of the world but also increased potential for loss of privacy), and describe strategies that they can apply to ensure their safety while using these technologies [IS, CT] | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | C2.2 | Use appropriate file maintenance practices to organize and safeguard data | Use an operating system to logically organize computer files for easy retrieval, backup, and recovery | Charting your Course | 4.1 – Architect Level: Data Protection |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Science | D3.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Identify the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | C1.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of different types of computer components | Compare and contrast common ISP services (e.g., DSL, cable, dial-up, regional Wi-Fi) and home networking hardware (e.g., NICs, routers, hardware used for wired and wireless connections) | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | C2.2 | Use appropriate file maintenance practices to organize and safeguard data | Use an operating system to logically organize computer files for easy retrieval, backup, and recovery | Charting your Course | 4.1 – Architect Level: Data Protection |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D2.3 | Describe and apply procedures for safe computing to safeguard computer users and their data | Describe procedures to safeguard data and programs from malware (e.g., viruses, spyware, adware | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D2.3 | Describe and apply procedures for safe computing to safeguard computer users and their data | Describe procedures to safeguard data and programs from malware (e.g., viruses, spyware, adware | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.1 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Explain how emerging technologies can affect personal rights and privacy (e.g. video surveillance, cyberbullying, identity theft) | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.1 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Explain how emerging technologies can affect personal rights and privacy (e.g. video surveillance, cyberbullying, identity theft) | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D3.2 | Explain key aspects of the impact that emerging technologies have on society | Describe some emerging technologies and their implications for, and potential uses by, various members of society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.1 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Research and describe career choices and trends in computer science, at the local, national, and international levels | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Ontario | 11 | Introduction to Computer Programming | D4.5 | Describe postsecondary education and career prospects related to computer studies | Describe the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as defined in the Ontario Skills Passport | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5, Week 2 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5, Week 2 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | Charting your Course | 4.1 – Architect Level: Data Protection |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
British Columbia | 11 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Technologies | • Explore existing, new, and emerging tools, technologies, and systems to evaluate their suitability for their design interests • Evaluate impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of choices made about technology use • Analyze the role technologies play in societal change | • Computer troubleshooting, including the incorporation of digital tools to aid and assist with research and diagnostics • Ongoing preventive maintenance, including data security and online/offline backup solutions • Careers in information and communication technology (ICT), including roles and responsibilities of ICT professionals • Future technologies and potential societal impacts | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C20-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C20-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Alberta | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C20-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C20-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Alberta | 11 | Health and Physical Education | C20-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 11 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.2 | Students will articulate challenges and hypothesize solutions to complete projects and resolve cybersecurity events | Articulate challenges • That may involve people and/or technology • To analyze where cybersecurity vulnerabilities exist Hypothesize solutions • That may be involved in completing projects and resolving cybersecurity events • To determine possible strategies to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities • To proactively and reactively mitigate cybersecurity risks involving people and technology | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 4 |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.2 | Students will articulate challenges and hypothesize solutions to complete projects and resolve cybersecurity events | Articulate challenges • That may involve people and/or technology • To analyze where cybersecurity vulnerabilities exist Hypothesize solutions • That may be involved in completing projects and resolving cybersecurity events • To determine possible strategies to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities • To proactively and reactively mitigate cybersecurity risks involving people and technology | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.3 | Students will use team-based project management strategies during collaborative efforts | • Communicate effectively within a team • Collaborate online and in-person on team-based tasks | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.4 | Students will apply the fundamentals of digital technology in relation to technical support and cybersecurity | Students will learn topics such as: • Intro to PC, Computer Hardware Assembly, Preventive Maintenance, Operating • System Installation System Configuration & Management • Network Concepts & Applied Networking • Advanced Troubleshooting | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 2 |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 2 Day 2, 4 |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | 10 Immutable Rules | #4: When creating passwords longer = stronger |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | 10 Immutable Rules | #5: Weird password restrictions? Be suspicious |
New Brunswick | 11 | Wellness Through Physical Education | SCO1.3 | Students analyze how society, media and culture influence wellness | Demonstrate understanding of how media affects how wellness is valued/perceived | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 3 |
New Brunswick | 11 | Wellness Through Physical Education | SCO1.3 | Students analyze how society, media and culture influence wellness | Demonstrate understanding of how media affects how wellness is valued/perceived | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.2 | Students will articulate challenges and hypothesize solutions to complete projects and resolve cybersecurity events | Articulate challenges • That may involve people and/or technology • To analyze where cybersecurity vulnerabilities exist Hypothesize solutions • That may be involved in completing projects and resolving cybersecurity events • To determine possible strategies to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities • To proactively and reactively mitigate cybersecurity risks involving people and technology | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.3 | Students will use team-based project management strategies during collaborative efforts | • Communicate effectively within a team • Collaborate online and in-person on team-based tasks | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.4 | Students will apply the fundamentals of digital technology in relation to technical support and cybersecurity | Students will learn topics such as: • Intro to PC, Computer Hardware Assembly, Preventive Maintenance, Operating • System Installation System Configuration & Management • Network Concepts & Applied Networking • Advanced Troubleshooting | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO1.4 | Students will apply the fundamentals of digital technology in relation to technical support and cybersecurity | Students will learn topics such as: • Intro to PC, Computer Hardware Assembly, Preventive Maintenance, Operating • System Installation System Configuration & Management • Network Concepts & Applied Networking • Advanced Troubleshooting | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
New Brunswick | 11 | Cybersecurity and Technical Support | SCO3.3 | Students will develop and demonstrate skills to identify and counter cybersecurity threats | Cybersecurity Threats • Demonstrate use of proper threat terminology • Understand and implement post-threat detection and analysis (including the order of operations) • Determine and implement appropriate operating system security settings • Determine and implement password security techniques Vulnerability Assessment • Understand and identify network vulnerabilities (e.g. public Wi-Fi hotspots) • Understand and identify computer vulnerabilities (e.g. Bluetooth on personal devices) Penetration Testing • Identify the technical means an attacker might use to gain access to a computer or network | Charting your Course | 3.1 – Sentinel Level: Passwords |
New Brunswick | 11 | Wellness Through Physical Education | SCO1.3 | Students analyze how society, media and culture influence wellness | Demonstrate understanding of how media affects how wellness is valued/perceived | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Online Safety Basics | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | • Describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] • Analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song lyrics, television, print media, Internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive messaging [CT] | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 3 |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | • Describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] • Analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song lyrics, television, print media, Internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive messaging [CT] | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | 10 Immutable Rules | #2: Privacy policies can’t always be trusted, but they can be tested |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.3 | Demonstrate ethical issues and propose strategies to encourage ethical practices related to the use of computers | Outline and apply strategies to encourage ethical computing practices at home, at school, and at work | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D3.1 | Analyze the impact of emerging computer technologies on society and the economy | Explain the impact of a variety of emerging technologies on various members of society and on societies and cultures around the world and on the economy | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5 |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.3 | Demonstrate ethical issues and propose strategies to encourage ethical practices related to the use of computers | Outline and apply strategies to encourage ethical computing practices at home, at school, and at work | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D4.3 | Research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field | Evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 1, 2 |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D4.3 | Research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field | Evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D4.3 | Research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field | Evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D4.3 | Research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field | Evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A1.3 | Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that can influence and support their participation in physical activity now and throughout their lives | Demonstrate positive social behaviours and adherence to ethical and fair play standards that contribute to creating a rewarding and enjoyable environment for participation in physical activities (e.g., work effectively and collaboratively in groups by encouraging others, acknowledging others’ contributions, giving and receiving assistance, playing fair and displaying good activity etiquette, providing leadership) | Charting your Course | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | A3.1 | Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities | Demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | • Describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] • Analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song lyrics, television, print media, Internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive messaging [CT] | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C3.4 | Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being | • Describe social factors that may influence substance use (e.g., use of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, chewing tobacco, nutritional supplements, performance-enhancing drugs) or behaviours leading to addictions (e.g., gambling; video, Internet, or computer gaming; eating disorders), and explain how decision-making and communication skills can be used to respond effectively to these influences [IS, CT] • Analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song lyrics, television, print media, Internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive messaging [CT] | Charting your Course | 7.3 – Strategic Command Level: Contact – Choosing Your Teammates Wisely |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D2.3 | Demonstrate ethical issues and propose strategies to encourage ethical practices related to the use of computers | Outline and apply strategies to encourage ethical computing practices at home, at school, and at work | Charting your Course | By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate digital etiquette and practice safe behaviours online |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Science | D3.1 | Analyze the impact of emerging computer technologies on society and the economy | Explain the impact of a variety of emerging technologies on various members of society and on societies and cultures around the world and on the economy | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.1 | Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and practices related to the use of computers | Investigate and describe an ethical issue related to the use of computers (e.g., piracy, privacy, security, phishing, spyware, cyberbullying | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D2.3 | Demonstrate ethical issues and propose strategies to encourage ethical practices related to the use of computers | Outline and apply strategies to encourage ethical computing practices at home, at school, and at work | Charting your Course | By the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate appropriate digital etiquette and practice safe behaviours online |
Ontario | 12 | Computer Programming | D4.3 | Research and report on the range of career paths and lifelong learning opportunities in software development or a computer-related field | Evaluate their own development of Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in computer studies, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
British Columbia | 12 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 5, Week 2 Day 4 |
British Columbia | 12 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
British Columbia | 12 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Charting your Course | 2.1 – Guardian Level: Secure Your Device |
British Columbia | 12 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | • Develop awareness and understanding of digital security risks • Demonstrate advanced hardware and software troubleshooting techniques • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology, including digital citizenship, etiquette, and literacy | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
British Columbia | 12 | Computer Information Systems | Applied Skills | Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments | Identify interpersonal skills necessary to work effectively within the IT sector | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C30-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C30-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 1 |
Alberta | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C30-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 4 Day 2 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Become A Cybersecurity Pro | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Cybersecurity Careers | KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation | |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 4-8 Week 1 Day 4 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | 10 Immutable Rules | #10: There’s only so much one hero can do |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 1 Day 3 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Cyberday Lesson Plan | Grades 9-12 Week 3 Day 1 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | 10 Immutable Rules | #9: Don’t just be a hero for yourself, fight to protect everyone! |
Alberta | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C30-5 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will develop practices that contribute to teamwork | 10 Immutable Rules | Throughout the course, students will develop skills such as teamwork and respectful collaboration through Group Activities for Levels 1 -8 |
Alberta | 12 | Health and Physical Education | C30-6 | Students will interact positively with others | Students will identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others | Charting your Course | 7.1 – Strategic Command Level: Level-Up Your Digital Armor |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F1 | Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology | 3.7 – Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot technical problems | Charting your Course | 2.2 – Guardian Level: Shield Your Network Connection |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 2.2 – Identify the role technology plays in a variety of careers | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.2 – Identify potential technology-related career paths | Charting your Course | Canadian Cyber Security Skills Framework (1.5, 2.4, 3.5, 4.5, 5.4, 6.5, 7.5 |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 3.7 – Analyze and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.4 – Evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F2 | Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society | 4.6 – Understand issues of e-commerce, including such topics as security and privacy, marketing, and implications for governments, businesses and consumers alike | Charting your Course | 7.2 – Strategic Command Level: Content – Commanding Control |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F3 | Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology | 4.1 – Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 2.3 – Discuss how technology can be used to create special effects and/or to manipulate intent through the use of images and sound | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
Alberta | 12 | Information and Communication Technology | F4 | Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information | 3.4 – Recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication | Charting your Course | 7.4 – Strategic Command Level: Conduct – Combating Cyber Challenges |
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Cybersafety for your classroom
At KnowledgeFlow, we emphasize the significance of cybersafety education for both educators and students. Understanding and teaching essential cyber safety practices can protect both teachers and students from online risks. By fostering safe technology use in the classroom, students can learn to navigate the digital world securely. Learn how to create #UnHackable classrooms!