AI-Generated Images – What’s The Big Deal?

The emergence of AI-generated images poses significant challenges for today’s youth, impacting them both as victims and unintentional perpetrators. Teenagers, often unaware of the full scope of legal and ethical ramifications, might experiment with these technologies, not realizing the potential for long-lasting harm. These digital creations can lead to severe consequences, including psychological distress for those depicted without their consent, and legal troubles for the creators. It is imperative to educate teens about the serious nature of generating and sharing such content, highlighting the importance of digital ethics and the real-world impact of their online actions.


  • Generative Artificial Intelligence is a subcategory of AI that can produce completely novel creations, such as text, images, or music
  • DeepFakes: are highly realistic and manipulated videos or audio recordings created using artificial intelligence and machine learning. DeepFakes typically involve superimposing one person’s face onto another person’s body or manipulating voices or actions to make it appear that a person is saying or doing something they are not. This technology has been used for various purposes, including creating fake news, spreading misinformation, and in entertainment.
  • DeepNudes: specifically refers to the use of AI to create or manipulate images to generate nude or sexually explicit content of individuals without their consent. The technology detects the person in a photo and then alters the image to add nudity, often with very realistic results. DeepNudes raise significant ethical and legal concerns, particularly regarding privacy, consent, and the non-consensual dissemination of explicit images.

It’s already happening to Canadian Teens

What does the law say about aI generated images?

It depends on the age of the subject! The Canadian Criminal Code takes a comprehensive approach to defining sexual imagery to ensure broad protection for minors against exploitation and abuse and is not limited to actual images of real children. It also includes pseudo-photographs or images created or altered by any means, including digital editing or AI, to depict minors in sexual contexts. Within current Canadian Law, there are additional laws that could also apply to the creation of such images: Production of Child Sexual Abuse Material, Harassment and Fear for Safety, Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Images, Indecent Communication, Extortion

Seek professional legal advice if your teen has been the victim of DeepNude image creation or has been involved in creating/sharing such content. If your child has been threatened with the public release of real or DeepNude images, please also refer to our resources on sextortion awareness and how to support a sextortion victim.

Adults need to Be Proactive

There are a number of reasons why teens may create DeepFake or DeepNude content. It may start as a “funny joke” between friends or maybe they heard about the technology and just want to try it out. Talk to your teens about the impact of using the technology so that they understand it can have real-life long-term consequences for the victim and also legal and/or academic consequences for them: school suspension, expulsion and criminal charges could potentially result. Teaching teens to use technology with respect and integrity is essential. Even more importantly, make sure your teen knows that if they become the victim of a DeepNude image that you will support them and while it may be a stressful time in their lives there are resources available and means to have the images removed if they have been posted online. It is critical that teens know who to turn to for help and how to contact support services. They might fear that parents/guardians will be angry or ashamed so won’t report it and will try to deal with it independently – make it as comfortable as possible for them to reach out by having proactive conversations about this and other tough topics like sextortion and cyberbullying in its many forms even if the teen hasn’t told you there is an issue. Keep the downloadable list of available resources and tip sheet posted on your fridge, or print copies for your teen to keep in their room for example.

More Information on AI and DeepNudes

Check out these resources created by esteemed fellow Canadian The White Hatter:

Resources to get help


Bullying Canada:

The Canadian Centre for Child Protection: Resources for Families –

Our Downloadable resources

Info for Teens

Advice for Supporting a Victim

guide for principals and teachers

Navigating the challenges posed by AI-generated images requires a coordinated effort from parents, educators, and communities. By staying informed, taking proactive steps to support affected individuals, and advocating for comprehensive digital safety education, we can create a safer and more respectful online environment for our children. This resource aims to empower and guide you through addressing and preventing these serious issues effectively.