KnowledgeFlow’s Essential Cybersafety Discussion Guides

The rise of AI-generated images presents major challenges for today’s youth, affecting them as both victims and unintentional perpetrators. Teens may experiment with these technologies, unaware of the legal and ethical consequences, leading to potential psychological distress for those depicted without consent and legal issues for the creators. Educating teens about the serious implications of generating and sharing such content is crucial, emphasizing digital ethics and the real-world impact of their online actions.

Learn more ways to keep safe online!
Check out our available courses down below.

cybersafety discussion guides
cybersaftey discussion guides and tip sheets.

How To Be #UnHackable Tip Sheets

Our How to Be #UnHackable cybersafety tipsheets were designed with teachers and parents in mind. Feel confident sharing these resources both at home and in the classroom, knowing they have been meticulously curated by cybersafety experts.

  • Flexible to fit your schedule
  • Striking comic style keeps students engaged
  • Customized versions for different age groups
  • Kindergarten, Grades 1-3
  • Grades 4-8
  • Grades 9-12, parents, and guardians

Topics Include:

  • First Principles of Cybersafety
  • Internet safety basics
  • Online gaming
  • Social media management
  • Online privacy
  • Device and account security
  • Recognizing disinformation
  • Digital citizenship
  • Online crimes
And so much more!

Download our Cybersafety discussion guides here:

Kindergarten, Grades 1-3

Grades 9-12, Parents and Guardians

Don’t miss our cybersafety lesson plans!

k 3 visual lesson plans thumbnail

View our other tipsheets

Explore our resources on cybersafety, privacy protection, and educational content tailored for everyone. Our collection of tipsheets covers essential topics in cybersecurity, ensuring users of all backgrounds can navigate the digital world securely. Whether you’re safeguarding personal information, learning about privacy best practices, or seeking educational resources, our page equips you with practical insights to stay safe online. Dive into our resources and enhance your digital resilience today.