Celebrating Social Media Day 2024 with KnowledgeFlow: Navigating Social Media Safely and Confidently

Celebrating Social Media Day 2024 with KnowledgeFlow: Navigating Social Media Safely and Confidently

While we recognize the incredible ways social media connects us and enhances our lives, we also emphasize the importance of cybersafety. Join us in celebrating Social Media Day, by focusing on how we can foster safe and positive. online experiences.

June 15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is observed on June 15 to raise awareness about the issue of elder abuse and promote resources and services that enhance seniors’ safety and well-being. At KnowledgeFlow, we believe it’s essential to extend this care into the digital sphere by developing cybersecurity initiatives and resources specifically for seniors.