Our team got the inside scoop on privacy policies from Claudiu Popa, founder of KnowledgeFlow!

privacy policies.
The Inside Scoop on Privacy policies: With Claudiu Popa

Every time we visit a new website, make an account, or buy a new phone, we are faced with a long list of confusing, and often contradictory statements that supposedly tell us about the establishment’s intention with our personal information.

As we discuss in our video interview, privacy policies are written in such a way that the average consumer will find it tedious to read.

To learn more about this issue, we spoke with Claudiu Popa, KnowledgeFlow Founder. He speaks about what look out for when skimming a privacy policy, and what kind of language companies use to create fallacies, loopholes, and contradictions with the intention to confuse the reader.

Read Claudiu’s article on how to identify problematic wording in privacy policies, as well as our How to Skim A Privacy Policy tip sheet for more information.

You can learn more about who to report privacy concerns to in our  Digital Privacy And Security Complaints Reference Guide.

There are also other instances where your personal information could be taken, an example being Cookies. Of course, we don’t mean delicious, ooey-gooey chocolate cookies – we are talking about internet cookies.

Find more information on our Cookies tipsheet!

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