Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2025
October 24 - October 31

Have you Heard of Global Media and Information Literacy Week?
It’s time to celebrate Global Media and Information Literacy (GMIL) Week 2025! We’re gonna tell you what this week is all about, why you should care and how to get involved during this week. Now let’s jump right into it!
What is Global Media and Information Literacy
Global Media and Information Literacy Week is an annual initiative organized event by the UNESCO and will be hosted in Amman, Jordan. This year’s theme is focusing on “The New Digital Frontiers of Information: Media and Information Literacy for Public Interest Information“. The event will explore the transformative effects of emerging technologies such as Generative Artificial Intelligence and the new wave of digital content creators on how public interest information is produced and shared.
How did GMIL Become a Globally Recognized Event?
The significance of Global Media and Information Literacy Week emphasizes the importance of equipping users with specialized skills to effectively identify, evaluate, and interact with public-interest information in the online environment.
The first Global Media and Information Literacy Week was celebrated in Fez, Morocco in 2011 to recognize the essential need for media and information literacy in the modern world. Multiple countries have hosted this week and each year professionals from all around the world in various fields come together to tackle emerging media and information challenges.
What can you do during GMIL Week?
Now that you’ve learned all about Global Media and Information Literacy Week, you must be curious on what you can do during this week to celebrate. How about hosting a movie night?
Movie Suggestions
The Social Dilemma (2020) PG-13
It’s a documentary-drama hybrid that reveals the danger behind social media, and how it’s designed to capture and keep our attention while secluding you from social interactions. It focuses on the spread of misinformation, and the ethical concerns of big tech companies.
Discussion questions:
- If the movie was remade in 2024, what information or warnings would they need to add?
- Have you personally run into misinformation or tricks on social media? If so, did you notice it? Was it obvious that it was misinformation?
- Do you find it terrifying how accurate the algorithm is on our social platforms? Do you think there should be regulations for the algorithm?
Ready Player One (2018) PG-13
Based on Ernest Cline’s book, the movie features a group of young gamers who are competing against a corporation to win “the hunt”. VR was their form of escapism, and they can’t have the corporation ruin the VR OASIS and use it negatively.
Discussions questions:
- If the Sixers won the hunt, how would they change the OASIS? What would they add or take out?
- Why were the students/kids so determined to protect their VR space?
- Why was VR so important in their world? What did it mean to them?
Check out both these amazing movies throughout the week, for more suggestions check out this link: GML Movie Suggestions
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At KnowledgeFlow, we proudly promote providing individuals with the skills to identify, assess, and interact with the vast online world. The internet is an amazing tool and like any other tool, users need training and skills to use it safely and effectively.
KnowledgeFlow has compiled a variety of resources designed to educate individuals ranging from seniors to children about digital media literacy and online privacy. We offer many amazing resources for you to explore, so don’t hesitate to click on our website or check out the links below.
- Join our Cybersafety Academy to gain access to courses about media and information literacy
- Read all about our Essentials for Cybersafety containing checklists, blogs and many more
- Check out our blog about Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023