UnHackathon: Where Cybersafety Meets Creativity

UnHackathon is an innovative event where cybersafety meets creativity. Participants collaborate to develop unique solutions to real-world cybersecurity challenges, combining technical skills with imaginative thinking. This dynamic environment fosters learning, teamwork, and the creation of practical tools to enhance online safety. Join us at UnHackathon to showcase your creativity, enhance your cybersecurity knowledge, and contribute to a safer digital world.

Print out and use this poster to get your students excited about the #UnHackathon!

Learn more ways to keep safe online.
Check out our available courses down below.

hackathon for students
UnHackathon Poster UnHackathon 01 03 2023


The UnHackathon: Where Cybersafety Meets Creativity

  • A creative design challenge for students to share cybersafety education and digital media literacy! No coding or tech skills required.
  • Participants can enter individually, in teams, or entire classrooms! All students across Canada in grades 3-12 are eligible to enter.
  • Tap into your creativity for the chance to win exciting prizes!
  • An exciting partnership, for teachers and students, between the Information and Communications Technology Council and KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Foundation.
platform for teachers

Cybersafety for your classroom

At KnowledgeFlow, we emphasize the significance of cybersafety education for both educators and students. Understanding and teaching essential cyber safety practices can protect both teachers and students from online risks. By fostering safe technology use in the classroom, students can learn to navigate the digital world securely. Learn how to create #UnHackable classrooms!