Cybercrime Fighters Calendar

This 2024-2025 calendar from our CyberCrime Fighters program is a great daily cybersafety reminder for at home or at school. Packed with valuable tips, practical advice, and important dates, it helps reinforce safe online habits every day. Perfect for students, parents, and educators alike, this calendar not only promotes awareness but also encourages proactive steps to safeguard digital lives. Stay informed, stay safe, and make cybersafety a part of your daily routine.

Learn more ways to keep safe online! Check out our available courses down below.

teacher teaching about cybercrime awareness
platform for teachers

Cybersafety for your classroom

At KnowledgeFlow, we emphasize the significance of cybersafety education for both educators and students. Understanding and teaching essential cyber safety practices can protect both teachers and students from online risks. By fostering safe technology use in the classroom, students can learn to navigate the digital world securely. Learn how to create #UnHackable classrooms!