Watch to learn:

  • What is a cybersafety educator?
  • Should girls consider cyber careers?
  • Why is cybersafety education important?

Watch to learn:

  • How fraudsters are targeting young people specifically.
  • How the CAFC works with RCMP and other law enforcement agencies.
  • Where to report scam attempts when you see them.

Watch to learn:

  • What is the NAOC and what do they do to protect Canadians?
  • What is disinformation and how is it used?
  • What can kids do about online disinformation?

Watch to learn:

  • What is an IT lawyer?
  • How does an IT lawyer help protect people.
  • What do you need to know to become an IT lawyer?

Watch to learn:

  • How BuildingU involves high school students in cyber security.
  • A student’s perspective on cybersafety.
  • A student’s take on what’s important for kids to know about cybersafety.

Watch to learn:

  • The CSE – why it’s so cool and a bit mysterious.
  • ‘White Hat’ hacking – is it legal?
  • How to become an international spy!

Watch to learn:

  • What teachers should consider before using an app in the classroom.
  • What role does the OIPC play in public education?
  • What can parents and students do if they are concerned about the collection of personal information?

Watch to learn:

  • Do cyber criminals ever get caught?
  • How are police officers trained on cyber security?
  • What to do if you see a scam attempt.

Watch to learn:

  • About the Cyber Titan program across Canada.
  • How students can learn more about cybersecurity and why they should.
  • How to be a hacker and get away with it!

Watch to learn:

  • Are schools allowed to collect your personal information?
  • Are there privacy laws in Canada or in Ontario?
  • Can you see the information your school has collected about you?

Watch to learn:

  • What does a cybersecurity expert do all day?
  • How do you put a dent in cyber crime?
  • How is corporate cybersecurity similar to personal cybersafety?

Watch to learn:

  • Cookies
  • VPNs
  • Captcha
  • Viruses
  • Security for phones
  • Parental controls

Watch to learn:

  • Online gaming safety
  • Social media account security
  • Cyber safety at school
  • The #1 thing young people need to know about cyber safety