Celebrating World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day 2024

What is World Mental Health Day?

Ласкаво просимо до World Mental Health Day 2024! This year’s theme, “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace,” highlights the global necessity of fostering mental well-being within professional environments. The theme was chosen through a comprehensive global survey, reflecting a shared recognition of the need for mental health support in workplaces around the world.

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World Mental Health Day 2024 with woman smiling in front of her desk
World Mental Health Day 2024 with women smiling as a group

У KnowledgeFlow

As employees spend a significant portion of their hours at work, it’s crucial that the digital environment supports their mental well-being as well. A supportive workplace can provide a sense of meaning, purpose, and joy, enhancing our lives and mental health. At KnowledgeFlow, we are dedicated to raising awareness about spotting and stopping cyberbullying, enhancing digital protection, and ensuring data privacy in your digital environment. We offer a diverse range of online resources, guides, and courses tailored for all ages and backgrounds. Our goal is to empower learners of all ages to confidently pursue their educational goals with flexibility.

Заходьте на наш Інформаційна платформа Академії кібербезпеки щоб дізнатися більше про
як ми створюємо безпечне цифрове середовище для всіх!

Resources From KnowledgeFlow: Cyberbullying Prevention

As we celebrate World Mental Health Day 2024 with the theme “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace,” it’s crucial to recognize the significant impact of cybersafety on mental well-being, especially for teens. With their frequent internet use and social media activity, teens are particularly vulnerable to online threats that can affect their mental health.

Check out our page Essentials For Police Services і 6 основних порад, які допоможуть вам розпізнати кібербулінг to learn more about ways to spot, stop and protect yourself and others you know.

Theme for 2024: ‘It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace’

Learn more about this year’s world mental health day 2024’s theme and how it is emphasized by the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) President Tsuyoshi Akiyama in his call for worldwide collaboration and best practices.

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