Digital Youth Month (Quebec) 2025

An annual event throughout February until March break. Digital Youth Month aims to raise awareness of digital possibilities among youth under 35 years old.

Fraud Prevention Month 2025

Fraud Prevention Month 2025 marks the 21st anniversary of the annual campaign! Help protect others! By reporting fraud incidents to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC), you contribute to a comprehensive database that helps law enforcement identify trends and emerging threats related to fraud.

CyberSafety for Seniors

The Gate

Join us for CyberSafety for Seniors, a fun and interactive workshop to help older adults stay safe online. Learn to spot scams, secure your devices, and protect your personal information.

World Consumer Rights Day 2025

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March 15th is World Consumer Rights Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the protection of consumer rights.

Identity Management Day 2025

April 8th 2025 is Identity Management Day! It's essential to understand the importance of identity management, which involves safeguarding our digital identities as we interact, work, bank, shop, and conduct our daily activities online. Learn how to manage your online identity and the role that parents play by joining us for an engaging discussion on what we have learned through our years speaking with youth about Identity Management.

World IP Day 2025

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On April 26th, we celebrate World IP Day, established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to highlight the importance of intellectual property (IP) in fostering innovation and creativity across the globe. This day is a reminder of how IP rights—like copyrights, trademarks, and patents—help encourage individuals and businesses to continue creating, developing, and sharing their ideas.

National Superhero Day 2025

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April 28th is National Superhero Day, a time to recognize and celebrate both fictional superheroes and real-life heroes who make a positive impact on our lives. Created in 1995 by employees of Marvel Comics, this day honors the courageous characters who protect and inspire us—whether in the pages of comic books or in our everyday lives. While we often think of superheroes with capes and superpowers, we must also acknowledge the real-world heroes who protect us in ways we may not always see.

World Password Day 2025

Le mois de mai est marqué par la Journée mondiale du mot de passe, qui a lieu le premier jeudi du mois de mai.

Privacy Awareness Week 2025

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C'est la semaine de sensibilisation à la protection de la vie privée ! La semaine de sensibilisation à la protection de la vie privée est une initiative mondiale organisée au mois de mai pour sensibiliser le public aux questions de protection de la vie privée et à l'importance de la protection des informations personnelles. Que pouvons-nous faire pour protéger notre vie privée en ligne ? La première chose à faire est d'être conscient des risques. Ne manquez pas de consulter nos ressources sur la protection de la vie privée pour savoir comment améliorer votre cybersécurité !

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is observed on June 15, a global event aimed at increasing awareness about elder abuse and promoting resources and services to enhance seniors' safety and well-being. The event is organized by elder abuse networks, including the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA), to mobilize community action and promote discussions on promoting dignity and respect for older adults.

International Day for Countering Hate Speech 2025

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La Journée internationale de lutte contre le discours de haine Le 18 juin, nous célébrons la Journée internationale de lutte contre le discours de haine, une manifestation annuelle initiée par les Nations Unies qui vise à sensibiliser aux dangers du discours de haine et à promouvoir les efforts pour l'identifier et le combattre. Chaque année, l'ONU invite les gouvernements, les organisations...