Як бути невразливим: 10 непорушних правил кібербезпеки від Клаудіу Попа

Станьте #UnHackable онлайн за 10 простих кроків

Become UnHackable with Claudiu's 10 Immutable Rules for Cybersafety. A FREE course for all ages!

This interactive course hosted by cybersecurity expert and KnowledgeFlow founder and CEO, Claudiu Popa is a can’t-miss for both teachers and students alike. Following these 10 key rules will keep your information private and secure!

The course begins with an engaging 30 minute video that’s appropriate for students of all ages, and is even applicable to adults! The course also features group activities, discussion guides and lesson plans.

Register today!

Head over to the Академія кібербезпеки KnowledgeFlow to register and begin your journey to becoming #UnHackable!

While you’re there, make sure to check out our Cybersafety for Everyone series, which is FREE and available to all. It includes 3 courses: Protect your Accounts, Protect your Devices and Scams: Spot Them and Stop Them.

The KnowledgeFlow Cybersafety Academy is the online home of our training and awareness courses designed to make you #UnHackable. Funded through the Ontario Trillium Grant Foundation, this online platform drastically expands the reach of our cybersafety expertise. 

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10 непорушних правил кібербезпеки

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